How Elephants Help Forests Thrive

Elephants are known as 'ecosystem engineers.'

But how do these gentle giants shape our forests?

Elephants eat a variety of fruits.

They travel miles and disperse seeds through dung, growing new trees far and wide!

By moving through dense vegetation, elephants create pathways.

These 'elephant highways' let sunlight reach the forest floor, helping smaller plants grow.

Elephants often dig for water during dry spells.

Their efforts create waterholes that sustain many species.

Elephants push over trees to access and consume their leaves and bark.

This creates open areas, boosting biodiversity and creating habitats for different species.

Healthier forests absorb more CO2.

Elephants' role in seed dispersal boosts forest health, helping fight climate change.

Elephants are endangered.

Protecting them protects entire ecosystems. Support elephant conservation!

Elephants are true heroes of the forest.

Let's protect these giants for a thriving planet!

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